Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well I have not made an update since around the fourth so it looks like about that time. The past few weeks I have pretty much just been busy with work and trying to stay on the bike as much as I can. I rode my road bike for the first time in about a week or so last night on the Roubaix group ride. I got new Zero stainless speedplay pedals, and it was my first real ride with them. Pretty big jump from my old pedals and MTB shoes. After the ride we went over to Roubaix to watch him put together Dana's new Orbea Onix frame. I'm really jealous it is an awesome bike. I spent most of my night there drinking beers and hanging out.
thanks for checking in. Evan

PS: If you want to see a funny video go to this sight.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Stage 2

Well I havn't really been around a computer much lately so havn't had time to do an update. Seeing as the Tour is on right now I figured I should give my thoughts on the situation. When I found out about Jan, Basso and many other riders are not going to be in the Tour at first I was a little upset. When I talked to Scott about it he thought that it would help clean up the sport and get the people out who could be cheating. I think about it now and I couldn't agree more. I was pulling for Jan to win the Tour this year. But now it will be very interesting to see who is going to pull away.

I watched stage 2 today only to see Robbie McEwen pull off another sprint win. I like watching Robbie McEwen sprint, and you can always count on seeing him there. Thor was right on his wheel but came out of his pedal, tough break but in my opinion he is lucky to still be racing after he got cut on his arm. He is back in the yellow today and if you read the cycling news link he says that he would like to keep the yellow tomorrow too. Should be fun to watch.

Well I'm back in Littleton for a few days. Went to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and Pearl Jam last night. Good show. Went mountain biking today with my dad and some people from his work up Mt. Falcon. Felt really good to be on the mountain bike, and couldn't be more happy to be MTBing again. Well I'm off too bed got an intense day of rafting tomorrow. Thanks for checking in